Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Oh right, I have a blog.

I have a tendency to forget that, don't I?  It's been a few weeks since I last updated and I'm proud to say not only am I still chugging along, but I didn't throw myself on my sword and give up after a (relatively small, .4lb) weight gain last week.

Week one was disappointing.  I know, I know:  I should take pride in any loss, but I really had myself convinced that I was going to lose 3 or 4 pounds, so only losing 1.6 was a bit of a slap in the face.  This is what I looked like when I got on the scale the next week and found out not only did I not lose anything, I GAINED .4lb:

(Well, I'm slightly paler than that, but you get the idea.)  But after sitting down and doing the autopsy on the previous week, it was suddenly not so much of a shock that I gained.  (Seriously, pizza AND a medium blizzard on the same day?  What was I thinking?!?!)

Okay.  Back to square one.  This week was much better.  I managed to navigate Mother's Day ("Please don't buy me candy or chocolates!" --me to hubby.) and even a trip to a fast food restaurant.  (Did you know they serve food that's not deep fried and doesn't involve the words "crispy" or "bacon ranch"?  Awesomesauce!)  I've come to realize that weight loss is not just about eliminating entire food groups or cutting calories back to 800 a day.  It's about analyzing your eating habits and strengths and weaknesses and making changes where you need to.  Oh, and I have realized that there are certain foods I absolutely cannot have in the house or I will be forced to eat them.  (Curse you, potato chips!!!  Get off my lawn!  *shakes fist*)  So fresh fruits have replaced chips and pretzels.  Grilled, lean meats have replaced fried and sauteed options.  Casseroles are probably a thing of the past.  (Though I do enjoy the challenge of taking a fat-laden, creamy casserole and lightening it up without losing all the flavor and creamy-comfort-food-ness of it.)  I'm so excited that summer is almost here, because soon there will be an abundant bounty of fresh fruits and veggies available.  (Farmers' markets ROCK!)  

I think I may have finally cracked the code about exercise, too.  I don't do well when I have to exercise by myself.  I lose motivation easily, and my determination wanes, and I really, really, really need someone to call me up and say, "Hey, lazybutt, get your behind down here and walk/exercise with me."  Luckily for me, I have my mom to do that.  We've been walking 3 times a week and are about to increase our walks from 4.4 miles to over 5 miles.  (Whaddya know...the fat girl can walk!)  In fact, we've committed to walking a half marathon next May.  (Hold me, Mommy, I'm SCARED!)  And one of these days in the not-so-distant future, we're planning to join Planet Fitness together.  My goal is to get to doing some sort of activity 5 days a week.  And you know what?  It will happen.  This time feels different.  Maybe it's because I don't feel alone.  Having friends and family along on the journey really makes a huge difference.  Being a realist, I know I will never be a size 6.  But I can be healthy.  And I will.

Because I lost 3.2 pounds today!  Bringing my 3-week total weight loss to 4.4 pounds.

Now 'scuze me for a second while I pat myself on the back...  

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Kids say the darnedest things

This morning, when I went in to wake my daughter, she looked at me, all showered and dressed at 7:20 am, and asked where I was going.  (I'm usually in my jammies, hair sticking up like a scarecrow, at that hour of the day.)  I told her I was going to Weight Watchers and she asked what Weight Watchers is.  I said they were helping me lose weight and get healthy.  She thought about it for a moment, then looked at me and said,

"Oh, so when you lose weight will you not have all that (and she pointed to my midsection) and be normal like me?", then patted her flat stomach to show me what "normal" was.


I know it wasn't intentional.  She's six years old, she really doesn't have any filters yet.  I asked her if she'd love me more if I was "normal".  As she was pondering this, my 8-year old son yelled from the next room, "I love you just the way you are, Mom!"

(Have I mentioned how much I love that boy???)

The good thing is that her comment sparked a dialogue between us about love and beauty and that external appearance should not be what we use to judge people.  I think it made an impression on her because later last night, she came up to me and apologized and said I was beautiful and that she loved me very much.  She was so contrite, which is unusual for her because she's normally very unapologetic when she says something only a bonehead would say.

Speaking of Weight Watchers, yesterday was weigh-in number one.  I'm down 1.6 pounds!  I was disappointed at first, because I had myself convinced I'd lost at least 4 pounds.  But I'm not going to be disappointed because a loss is a loss, and at Weight Watchers, we celebrate a loss regardless of the size.  I was re-reading my blog entries and I saw that last year when I was doing the WW thing, my first week wasn't a huge loss either.  So if I'm following a pattern, next week should be a much bigger number.  My mom and I were talking about it and she was so proud of me for losing 1.6 pounds and she scolded me for being disappointed.  It's silly to be disappointed, but years of watching shows like The Biggest Loser have set us up to expect to lose the kind of weight they do.  Of course, I'm not working out with a personal trainer 8 hours a day, but I conveniently forget that part when I step on the scale.  Though I do have to wonder if I'm the only one who thinks the way they lose so much weight so quickly cannot possibly be healthy.  My doctor recommends losing one pound a week, and some of these people are losing 100+ pounds in three months.  It's always interesting to watch the "Where Are They Now?" episodes, because so many of them regain at least a portion of the weight they lost.  (The saddest stories are the ones where they've regained everything they lost and then some.)  I'm trying to be realistic and not set huge goals (as much as I'd like to lose 100 pounds by the time we go to Disneyworld in October, I'll be happy to lose 20 by then.) and to take pride in the little victories along the way.

So hooray for me!  I lost the equivalent of 6 sticks of butter this week!!!  Can I get a fist bump?